There was no one Jesus refused to heal. Because sickness does not come from God, but from the devil. God is health. The devil makes people sick, destroys and kills (John 10:10). Think of Job. The sickness was sent by the devil, not God (Job 2:7).
Think of the example of the centurion in Capernaum, who asked Jesus for healing for his sick servant. The answer of Jesus: “Jesus said, ‘I will come and heal him.'” (Matthew 8:7; NLT)
Jesus is with you (John 14:18-20). And Jesus also wants to heal you gladly. Because do not forget: Jesus healed then, Jesus heals even today, because Jesus does not change: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8; NLT)
Jesus loves you. Loves you so much that He was willing to take on all the punishment that you had earned for your sins and failures. Do not let the lie suggest that your comprehensive health would not interest Jesus. On the contrary. Jesus wants you to be healthy and joyful and blessed in all areas (John 10:10, Mark 10: 29-30).
- Recognize more and more the tremendous love and undeserved grace with which Jesus meets you.
- Lose more and more all fear of Jesus.
- Enjoy more and more His proximity. Build your personal relationship with Jesus more and more.
Talk about everything with Him.