Psalm 23 is one of the most famous psalms in the Bible. Sometimes when I don’t know what (or where) to read in the Bible, my fingers flip to Psalm 23, and I have filling spiritual food again.
This glorious Psalm puts our Jesus (our Good Shepherd) at the center and shows how beautifully (and well) He cares for us, His sheep.
When we just can’t keep going anymore
Sometimes we just can’t keep going anymore. We have no more strength. We no longer know how to pray. In such moments, it is vital to look to our Jesus.
Don’t look at your circumstances; look at Jesus. Concentrate on Him. How? By reading the Bible, listening to a Jesus-based sermon, or singing (or maybe just humming) songs of praise to our Jesus.
Jesus is our shepherd
Jesus is our shepherd. And we (those who have accepted his outstretched saving hand) are His beloved sheep.
“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. I am the good shepherd. …”
(Jesus in John 10:10-11; NIV)
As our shepherd, Jesus takes care of everything we need.
- Do you need money?
- Do you need healing?
- Do you need joy?
- Do you need the strength to break the addiction?
- Do you need _____?
Jesus is happy to take care of you.
Other Articles about Psalms:
Jesus Carries Us
How nice it is to be carried in the arms of your parents as a child. How nice it is to relax entirely because someone stronger and bigger is taking care of everything.
What we can enjoy as children with our parents, we have for life with Jesus. He carries us, He takes care of us, and He is the strong, great, almighty shepherd.
“Save your people and bless your inheritance; be their shepherd and carry them forever.”
(Psalm 28:9; NIV)

Forever and ever, Jesus carries us. When we grow up as children, our parents will stop carrying us eventually. But with Jesus, we are carried forever. How beautiful.
So, to finally get to the point of the title of this article:
“He makes me lie down in green pastures, He leads me beside quiet waters”
(Psalm 23:2; NIV)
When you just can’t take it anymore, imagine Jesus, your shepherd, letting you rest in green pastures. Imagine Him leading you to quiet waters. Even if your life feels like a dry desert right now, your Jesus leads you into green pastures and quiet water.