If there was another way, I would lie in bed, clinging to the 500-unit jumbo pack of yellow pills while jumping from Saturn over to Jupiter and back again, and would join the rum-pirates floating in full sail over the oceans. But there is no other way. Nothing and nobody fulfills me – only you.
It’s only you
If there was another way, then we would follow food laws and regulations, let ourselves be circumcised, depressed in sackcloth and ashes, crawling through our lives and punishing ourselves when we sin. But there is no other way. Nothing and no one reconciles us forever with our God – only you.
And then I stood with you, whom they had beaten, ridiculed, spit at, mocked and nailed to a wooden cross
And so we met. I was full of despair, on my knees without any purpose, in spite of all the money and all the pills and all the sex, that they wanted me to think was true life.
And you, crushed and laughed at and scoffed and spit on and nailed naked to a wooden cross.
There we were. You and me. And the world stopped turning. And nobody in the universe said anything at the moment.
And? You asked in the silence.
I need You.
I know.
I need You so much. Nothing and nobody else. Only You. Help me, I want to be free at last.
That’s why I came, My beloved child.
If there was another way, I would have taken it.
If there was another way, You would have stayed in Your majesty.
So we met and I still cannot find the words to say to thank You.
But I know we will spend “an eternity of eternities” together.
“Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.” (Daniel 12:3; NIV)