Why does God love us so much? We are His creation, His children. He loves us. And He only wants the best for us. He has brought us back through Jesus from the mire of all the lies and sins and broken things. And given us a new life.
God brought us back to Himself
“And all of this is a gift from God, who brought us back to himself through Christ. And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him.” (2 Corinthians 5:18; NLT)
Lean back gratefully and enjoy God’s boundless love and undeserved grace that He gives us. Let us thank Him for that. Let’s praise Him. It’s so glorious, God has reconciled us to Him forever through Jesus. He does not count our sins against us anymore. No more blame or guilt. • Free from fear, sadness and panic attacks. Free from guilt
Take advantage of this great opportunity and build your personal relationship with your loving Heavenly Father. How? Talk to Him. Above all. Thank Him.
And: rejoice. You can rejoice because God has brought you back to Him. You belong to the family. Forever. Nothing and nobody will ever push you out of the boat. God made sure.